Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Week 8 & 9 - A added flap and recycled material

The documented life project

February 15, 2014  Challenge (Week Eight) - Add a flap to your flap.
and (week nine) Use recycled material. - A combination of two challenges

second page

page with flap showing

underneath smaller flap
first page

 Task nine - Recycled materials - Peel off's

On the first page I wrote

Who are you really?

You are not a name
or a height
or a weight
or a gender

You are not an age
and you are not where you are from.

You are 
your favorite book
the song stuck in your head
You are your thoughts
what you eat for breakfast on Saturday morning.

You are a thousand things but
everyone chooses to see a million things you are not.

(on second page...continuation i wrote)
You are not where you are from
You are where your going
and i'd like to go there to

and i would like you and u and you to accompany me on my journey. Enjoy!

 Underneath this is a flap that says

 I am a perfect blend of 
Naughty and Nice
Sugar and spice
Sexy as hell and cool as ice

Underneath this flap it says 

Remember to laugh like your 16
Party like your 20
Travel like your 30
Think like your 40
Advise like your 50
care like your 60
and love like your 70

Second page says 

I have fought a thousand battles
and I am still standing.
I have cried a thousand
tears and I am still smiling.
I have been Broken,
Abandoned and Rejected
But still I walk proud.

I laugh loud
live without fear
loves without doubt

I am strong,independent,friendly,
part angel,
 part bitch,
all woman,
I am Me.
(task 10 - march 1st)

On the page behind the second page

You are who you are for a Reason
Your part of an intricate plan
Your precious and perfect unique design
called god's special woman or man

You look like you look for a reason
Our god made no mistakes
He knit you together within the womb
You're just what he wanted to make.

The parent's you had we're the ones you chose
and no matter how you may feel
they were both custom designed
with god's plan in mind
and they bear the masters seal

Russell Keifer

and this followed by the final page
Breathe my friend

and this page says 

Breathe my friend
You are not old
You are young.
You are not a mess
You are normal.

Extraordinary, perhaps
in a blink of an eye
Your life will change
and it will continue to change
for decades to come.

Enjoy it, Embrace it
Be grateful for the ride

By Julie x 

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